Pablo Vasquez, aka The Soothsayer is a Mile-High music legend who has gone underground to avoid detection, capture and execution at the hands of Blatherskite. He is gifted with the ability to afflict those in proximity with Dysanachronometria — temporary loss of consciousness and motor functions. He does this by exhaling large swathes of marijuana smoke while casting forth prophetic rhymes in iambic pentameter.

Realizing his nemesis is growing in strength by amassing hordes of idiotic foot soldiers, Vasquez sets out to create ties with capable allies. His search for an exceptional individual whom he can mold into an ideal acolyte leads him to Earl Danners, aka The Belcher.
He offers his guidance and tutelage to an otherwise wayward young man — helping the Earl to realize that Pablo came along in the nick of time to help him harness his power and hone his skills to thwart the rapid advance of evil incarnate.

This character is based on the infamous Denver Joe (RIP) — a legendary country/western musician and prolific performer who is utterly without comparison.