As the figurehead of the Environmental Agency of Restrictions (EAR), Raul Geisel is hell-bent on stamping out all forms of self-expression. His sights are set primarily on on the artistic communities of Denver, and secondarily on all sectors of creativity the world over. He is a delusional, dope-addled sociopath with an uncanny ability to bend those of weak mental constitution to exacting his will.

The character is a composite of the atypical, smarmy, shifty music promoter combined with the motivations of the vacuous, perpetually unfulfilled megalomaniacs that seem to slither their way into positions of power under the guise of being “public servants.” His hypnotic yammering and drive to conquer is fueled by a concoction know as MORE. An inhalant narcotic of sorts made of equal parts methamphetamine, Rohypnol, Oxycontin and ecstasy.
A long-brewing feud between Blatherskite and The Soothsayer is about to come to a head, and Pablo Vasquez (The Soothsayer) realizes that in order to survive he’d better start recruiting an army of his own — thus his self-engineered introduction to The Belcher.